Lifecycle Modeling
We are the developers and maintainers of the Lifecycle Modeling Language (LML).
LML Leads Languages
Communicate Cost
A language that effectively communicates and reduces the cost of design.
Facilitate Understanding
A simple ontology with common graphical notations that makes design make sense.
Expedite Development
Enables rapid product development to match pace with information technology.
Lifecycle Modeling Language
LML is a simple ontology with common graphical notations that puts the data back into systems engineering.

LML Is Designed for the Whole System Lifecycle
The Lifecycle Modeling Organization (LMO) develops and maintains an open-source modeling language that is structured and behavioral. LML provides a simple way to understand and communicate cost, schedule, and performance design information to all stakeholders in a standard manner. LMO trains and educates members on how to effectively use the lifecycle modeling methods, including LML and the Lifecycle Modeling Framework (LMF) to develop safer, more cost-effective systems and products.
Traceability Through the Lifecycle
Because LML was designed to simplify tracing requirements to their implementation mechanisms (Asset class entities), this is the primary path for traceability.
Learn more about the Principal Entities and Relationships for Design LML Traceability in the LML Specification.
"LML supports the full lifecycle: conceptual, utilization, support, and retirement stages. It integrates all lifecycle disciplines including program management, systems and design engineering, V&V, deployment, and maintenance into one framework. This is the language of the future."
Get Involved
Meet our team, join committees, and learn more about how LML is bringing the data back into modeling.

The Model-Based Systems Engineering Conference Hosted by LMO
This virtual conference explores all aspects of Model-Based Systems Engineering in a data-centric future. Answering questions on where does MBSE fit into the digital thread and how to get data out of models? Members can request access to the MBSE-CON 2024 recordings. Learn more.